Category: Articles

Sneeze and get jacked!

Just kidding! You are not going to sneeze and get jacked! Unfortunately, a lot of people think that this is the case and have developed an irrational fear of gaining muscle from a few shoulder presses and bicep curls. There are so many reasons why building muscle should be a big priority in your training. […]


The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the body’s internal functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiration. It is composed of two main branches: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated during times of stress, preparing the body for a “fight or flight” response by releasing adrenaline […]

Quick fixes do not work!

Perseverance is the ability to continue working towards a goal despite obstacles, setbacks, or failures. It is a key trait for success in CrossFit and in life. Here are a few tips for developing perseverance while training towards a goal. Set specific and achievable goals for yourself and break them down into smaller steps to […]

Online fitness coaching

Online fitness coaching is poised to be the next generation of the fitness industry for a number of reasons. First, online coaching allows for a level of convenience and flexibility that traditional in-person coaching cannot match. With online coaching, clients can access their workouts and nutrition plans from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing them […]

Online coaching is changing the game!

Online fitness coaching is poised to be the next generation of the fitness industry for a number of reasons. First, online coaching allows for a level of convenience and flexibility that traditional in-person coaching cannot match. With online coaching, clients can access their workouts and nutrition plans from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing them […]

If you are not doing this, you’re wasting your time

We all know that person who shows up at the gym every single day but doesn’t get any results. Most times, it is simply because they are not training with adequate intensity. When you are training to get stronger or are trying to build muscle, it’s important to make your working sets “HARD ENOUGH” After […]

Get Shredded!

Change the composition of your plate and change the composition of your body If you simply change the way your plate looks and maintain that change for a long enough period of time, you will no doubt see changes in your body. The solution is simple, but the application may get tricky. The bottom line […]


Hey everyone! Andy here. I just wanted to share a story about a lesson I learned from my coach at IMG while I was a student-athlete over there. Although there were so many golden lessons, this one stuck with me the most. I was at a tournament in Orlando, Florida, and it was one of […]

Beat the Sweet Tooth: Create Roadblocks

We know how difficult it can be to resist the urge for processed snacks. But what if we told you there’s a simple technique you can use to overcome these cravings and stick to eating well more consistently? We call it creating “roadblocks.” Introducing the concept of “roadblocks.” This strategy involves creating a gap between […]

Are you tracking progress correctly?

At Crossfit Ceylon, we believe that body measurements are a far better way to track progress than relying solely on bodyweight. While monitoring body weight can be useful for people who are significantly overweight or underweight, those who are closer to their ideal body weight may benefit more from tracking body measurements. One of the […]