Category: Articles

Mastering Gymnastics in CrossFit: Building a Foundation for Success

In the dynamic world of CrossFit, the incorporation of gymnastics movements stands as a cornerstone for athletes seeking versatility, strength, and agility. However, the path to mastering these movements isn’t solely about perfecting kipping or flashy dynamic techniques. Instead, it’s deeply rooted in building a strong foundation through strict, controlled movements—a principle upheld by CrossFit […]

5 Tips to Maximizing Results

Before we delve into the specifics of each individual facet, it’s crucial to recognize a fundamental truth: reaching the pinnacle of any one aspect demands a degree of sacrifice in the others. While the pursuit of peak health, performance, and aesthetics simultaneously might be challenging, we can harmonize these goals by tailoring our approach to […]

Mastering Cheat Meals: The Strategy for Staying on Track

Are cheat meals throwing a wrench in your efforts to maintain a healthy diet? Let’s delve into a clearer strategy for handling these occasional indulgences without losing sight of your goals. When it comes to cheat meals, the key is not to fixate on a single day’s calorie intake but to look at the bigger […]

Prioritizing Fitness in a Busy World

In today’s fast-paced, demanding world, finding the time for fitness can often seem like an insurmountable challenge. Juggling work, family, social commitments, and personal responsibilities can leave little room for self-care. However, with effective time management, it’s possible to not only find time for fitness but to make it a non-negotiable part of your daily […]

3 Reasons Why Protein is Your Weight Loss Shortcut

Protein is king when it comes to diet Most people will enter these kinds of programs to upgrade quality of food and understanding. If you take ONE lesson from this entire program; it would be to increase your protein intake and get adequate amounts. This will immediately have an impact on your total caloric intake […]

You want the nutrition secret? Read this!

In our pursuit of optimal health and fitness, it’s crucial to remember that quality is king. We often focus on our workouts, but the fuel we put into our bodies is just as important. Slow, incremental improvements in food quality not only impact your aesthetic goals but also play a significant role in your overall […]

Unveiling the H.P.A. Blueprint

At CrossFit Ceylon, we’ve embarked on a mission to redefine what it means to pursue health, performance, and aesthetics. Our journey has been one of transformation, innovation, and breaking down barriers that have held people back from achieving their full potential. The traditional approach to fitness often compartmentalises health, performance, and aesthetics, treating them as […]

Triangle of Awareness

Before we delve into the specifics of each individual facet, it’s crucial to recognize a fundamental truth: reaching the pinnacle of any one aspect demands a degree of sacrifice in the others. While the pursuit of peak health, performance, and aesthetics simultaneously might be challenging, we can harmonize these goals by tailoring our approach to […]

Mastering the correct training intensity is crucial

After a personal training (PT) session, it’s common to hear people say, “I wouldn’t have pushed myself to do those extra reps if you weren’t there.” This insight reveals a significant obstacle many new members face. Many individuals don’t exercise with enough intensity, and as a result, they fail to stress their bodies sufficiently to […]

Demystifying CrossFit: Evolving Our Coaching Approach

CrossFit – a term that has sparked both enthusiasm and scepticism within the fitness world. As we delve into the heart of the H.P.A. Blueprint, we want to address the evolution of CrossFit Ceylon’s coaching methodology and how we’ve taken strides to prioritise your safety, health, performance, and aesthetics. The CrossFit Transformation CrossFit has undergone […]