1. What is CrossFit?
In 100 words: “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.” ~ CrossFit Founder, Greg Glassman
It’s a workout methodology based on constantly-varied high intensity functional movements that help everyday life. Why it works is because your body never adapts to any one movement thereby keeping the effect of any given day’s workout at maximum – and you never gets bored. The intensity that everyone takes part in ends up galvanizing our supportive community.
2. Do I need experience before coming in?
You do not need to have any prior experience as we cater to all levels of fitness! However, it is mandatory for those new to CrossFit to attend our Onboarding program in order to get a membership with us.
Alternatively, we have 8.30AM CrossFit class that do not require the Onboarding Fundamentals program or prior CrossFit experience. Please check our schedule and call our Front Desk to find out how you can drop-in for these classes.
3. What if I’m incredibly out of shape and I’m a little intimidated about coming in?
This is a common misconception that you have to be in shape to try CrossFit. The most elite athlete can come into the gym and find a workout challenging. There is always room for improvement. That’s why we are here and offer scaling options for each individual so that you can thrive in each workout on a personal level. Fitness is a lifelong journey.
4. I have/had an injury. Can I still do CrossFit?
As humans we are constantly in motion regardless of any existing injuries. We believe that learning the best and safest forms of functional movements, while gaining strength in these movements, as opposed to avoiding them altogether will lead you to long-term health.
Our coaches are always happy to work with you to work around your injuries by scaling or substituting exercises. That being said, we are not certified physicians so it is important that you consider a professional opinion before undertaking this, or any other, exercise program.
5. But I’m super fit already! Do I really need to do the Fundamentals program even if I’ve never done CrossFit?
We require everyone to go through Fundamentals the Onboarding program, so that we can make sure all our members learn the basics of safe and effective movement. This also helps our CrossFit classes run smoother because you’ll already know what you’re doing and you can help everyone else stay safe!
If you wish to have a Mentor Coach to help get you accustomed to our training & nutrition philosophies and be your guide for your first month at CFCY you do have the option of choosing the CrossFit Onboarding program, if not start up with our regular CrossFit group classes by purchasing an unlimited membership.
6. I have heard you can get hurt doing CrossFit, is this true?
You can injure yourself in any activity, but CrossFit is safer than many activities people perform every day. We like to work with people in 3 stages. First: Mechanics (learning how to do the movements with correct technique), Second: Consistency (the ability to do the movements over and over again with safe and relatively efficient technique), Third: Intensity (the speed at which you do the movements). One does not come before the other. We always start with Mechanics.
7. Can I sign up for a membership immediately?
If you do not have any experience with CrossFit, we request that you register and complete our Onboarding program, please see FAQ #1. Upon completion of the Onboarding program you may proceed to purchase a membership package.
Alternatively, you can consider purchasing a B2B package that do not require prior CrossFit experience.
If you have prior CrossFit experience, please ask your Affiliate to send us an email to wodup@crossfitceylon.com verifying your CrossFit experience.
8. Can I drop-in to any class?
We’d love for you to join any of our scheduled classes, however, your experience will determine which classes you have access to.
For those without any CrossFit experience, the B2B classes are a great option.
For those with CrossFit experience, please call our Front Desk to enquire on the space availability for our CrossFit classes. We have a 15-person limit for our classes in order to pay more attention to everyone and ensure that they receive the guidance they need.
9. Can I just use the gym for my own training?
“Open gym” is only accessible to our members and experienced CrossFitters. As open gym runs in between class times, we kindly ask you to clear up and make way for the group class. Please note that you are fully responsible for your own safety as well as those around you when you train on your own.
10. What should I wear and bring?
Comfortable workout gear, comfortable shoes and a workout towel. If you plan to use the lockers for storage, please bring your own padlock.
11. Do you have showers and changing rooms?
Yes, we have shower and changing room facilities for Men and Women. Lockers will also be available for storage of your personal belongings. Please bring your own towels as we do not supply them.
12. What are your payment methods?
We accept;
- Cash
- Personal cheques in favour of Ceylon Functional Fitness (Pvt) Ltd and crossed Account Payee
- Credit cards (Visa, and Mastercard).
Please note 3% will be added to the final bill for any purchases made via credit card.
13. What is a typical CrossFit class like?
In an hour-long group class, we will warm up together then usually spend the first half of class working on strength and/or skill. This could be gymnastics based using own bodyweight or using heavy objects such as the Kettlebell or barbell. Our coaches will guide you through all the movements thoroughly. You will leave here having learned something. The second half of class is spent on “Conditioning” that varies from a short and intense 4-5 minute workout to anything over 15 minutes. Our program is constantly varied so you won’t ever get bored nor will your body plateau.
14. What results can I expect to see?
You can expect to see improvements in all 10 areas of fitness – Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Strength, Stamina, Flexibility, Coordination, Agility, Accuracy, Balance, Power and Speed. By focusing on these skills, our athletes will not only see improvements in body composition, work capacity and health markers like blood pressure and cholesterol etc., but will find that they will perform better in sport and exercise as well as in their daily lives outside of CrossFit. Literally it will change your life.
15. I am afraid I will get to big and bulky if I do CrossFit?
In order for people to get bigger, especially women, there are two things that you would have to make a concerted effort to do. One: pick up very heavy weight on a frequent basis. This is not something we do. Yes, we are very much concerned about your strength and we do lift heavy some days. But this is not our main focus. Two: eat an extremely high calorie diet. For most to gain productive muscle mass takes quite the effort in eating the right foods in a high amount. This is also something that we do not focus on. The majority of the workouts we do provide your muscles with more contractile potential and not hypertrophy (muscle mass).
16. I’m shy about working out in a group class.
Don’t be. With capped class sizes we ensure everyone receives the attention they need during each workout whilst keeping the atmosphere more private. Remember, everyone at CrossFit Ceylon trains with us to improve, nobody is ‘there yet’ and ‘perfect’. There is a tremendously supportive atmosphere at CrossFit Ceylon, it is perfectly normal for the more experienced members and other coaching staff to workout alongside those training for the first time, we are all here to progress and do so as a community. Leave your ego at the door and train to your maximum capacity.
However, if you would feel more comfortable starting off with one-on-one sessions we do offer personal training with our certified coaches/trainers.
17. I train at another CrossFit facility and will be in the area. Can I drop-in on a class?
Absolutely! Please check our class schedule online, pick a class and then email us your name, affiliate box, and the class you would like to attend. Upon confirmation by CFCY, arrive 15 minutes before the start of the class to fill in our waiver form and get a quick tour!
18. Can I do my own program as a traveling CrossFitter?
Yes you may. Please check our schedule for Open Gym timings to use our space and equipment. If you’re unsure about when you’ll be dropping in or have any questions about how to book a class, feel free to call or email us at wodup@crossfitceylon.com
19. How do I get there?
Before heading out to the box, ensure you read our Contact page and read the directions there. Alternatively, you can search “CrossFit Ceylon” on Google Maps for more specific directions.